Our mission is: “Go bless the world with the love of Jesus Christ in Walton, Delaware County, USA and around the world.”   We are a local-global church.

Locally there is a free weekly community meal at New Hope.  The web backpack program during the school year provides food to some of Middle and High School students over the weekend.  Also, we assist with the community Food Bank.  The third upcoming mission trip to Kenya is in the planning. Individuals also support children overseas to provide food and education and spiritual growth.  Christmas shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child is another significant endeavor.  Missionary families in Kenya and Spain are also given support.

Come be a part of touching the world!



All of us have a desire to make a difference in our lives and the lives of others in the time that God has given each of us while on this earth.  There are numerous local and global initiatives that the Missions Team is involved with.  This includes prayerfully and financially supporting missionaries, short-term overseas work teams, Bishop’s Famine Relief Fund, purchasing animals for 3rdworld countries, reforestation in Haiti, buying water filters, sponsoring children through the Free Methodist International Childcare Ministries, weekend food backpack program for local HS/MS youth, free community meals (known as Soup-It-Up), service days to the community, as well as fundraising for local families in need.

Pat Reynolds, Chair
Mission Teams